
As told in my previous post this is a quality film after many days. This film has everything what a film should have to draw crowd to theatre. Songs are good say picturization gives a good feeling.
To begin with Dhyan and Ramya pair is cute. Comedians Yeshwant Sardeshpande,Mandya Ramesh,Comedy Time Ganesh, Raju Ananthswamy are placed nicely. At time you may feel the comedy to be tasteless. Dhyan has acted well. Tried his best in lip movements much better than his previous ventures like Monalisa. Ramya has added colour to the film. AB in guest appearence has given the film a richness which prevails even after he is not on the screen.
Dhyan keeps on repeating ‘I love you’ to Ramya and he also counts how many times he has told it.He keeps on following her, proposes her, begs to marry etc .Then comes one nice song:
ನೀ amruthadhare ಕೋಟಿ ಜನುಮ ಜತೆಗಾತಿ

ನೀ amruthadhare ಇಹಕು ಪರಕು ಸಂಗಾತಿ

ನೀ ಇಲ್ಲವಾದರೆ ನಾ ಹೇಗೆ ಬಾಳಲಿ……….
Then finally, both reveal that they were already married but they had decided to act as lovers. Then some kind of soft romance, soft quarrels. After each quarrel a court scene,where all comedians meet! Court scenes are kind of fun. Then at one point they get serious about their future. Ramya’s two wishes in life: Go on a tour for many days from Kanyakumari to Kashmir and meet AB. But Dhyan decides to build a house. Then the same day of house warming and also her birthday she faints. Then without her notice he sells the home built for her.But plans for a long tour and meets AB. One more nice song here:ಹುಡುಗ ಹುಡುಗ…
She is very happy that her wishes are fulfilled by her husband but comes to know that she may die any time due to brain tumour. And at last she dies in front of Taj Mahal. In background you can hear AB’s golden voice saying:‘Three years of meaningful life is important than 100 years of meaningless life’.
While shooting in Ladakh,an incident took place at the 19000 ft height (50 kms away from Siachen border). Initially she got head ache. She went to car and tried to take rest. She was not able to breathe. She was gasping for oxygen.In just three seconds had the soldier nearby not provided Oxygen she would not have been alive.

4 thoughts on “Amruthadhare

  1. sahana says:

    hi… i too have seen this movie reallyLIKED it a lot…….. its a very nice movie… AB’s words suits the situation a lot….. the songs are really superb….. want to c this movie again…..

  2. shashikiran says:

    Hmmmm….. When are u going to watch it again?

  3. Saaya says:

    hey I want lyrics of the songs in this movie. can u tell me where can i get them ?

  4. Anil says:

    I and my wife just watched the movie; Very well made movie – Nagathahalli continues to make meaningful movies in Kannada. Wish more such directors show up!

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